About the Author
Award-winning novelist from Minneapolis
Andrew Hunkins
Software entrepreneur Andrew Hunkins founded his first company, Unimax Systems Corporation, from his dorm room at the University of Minnesota. He holds two patents for disparate-data synchronization, is a recipient of the Deloitte & Touche Fast 500 Award, founder of Internet startup BusyKeeper LLC, founder of the Andrew D. Hunkins Philanthropic Foundation, and founder of Hunkins Entertainment LLC as the holding company for his entertainment related properties. His award-winning fiction novel, No Such Thing as Evil, is the first book in his trilogy Circle of Six.
Andrew earned his black belt in martial arts and survived the twelve-mile-long Tough Mudder military-style obstacle course. Andrew lives in the Minneapolis metropolitan area with his wife and two children. When not writing, he enjoys science fiction movies and can hold his own playing Call of Duty on XBOX. Gummy Bears are his favorite candy, especially the clear ones.

No Such Thing As Evil
Laura Richards, a political science professor, and her husband Ben Richards, an astrophysics professor, unexpectedly find themselves at the center of a dark conspiracy after they adopt Chris Lumière, the orphaned son of Laura’s friend Marian. Following the bizarre circumstances of Chris’s birth, Laura and Ben uncover clues revealing an intelligent force surrounding Chris.

Evil Alive
Just before the start of Chris’s senior year of high school, he and his friends, Al and Katie, are forced to flee the Circle of Six, an evil group of men intent on revenge. Chris’s boyhood crush, Hope, is the only person capable of shielding the trio from the men’s incessant cyber tracking long enough to unravel clues from Chris’s invisible guardian, known to them only as the warden.
A Note from the author
May I ask a favor?
If you enjoyed my book, or maybe you’re an author too, I need your help. As you know, the online rating system is a perilous place to get established. I refuse to spike my ratings, even though I know other authors do—or more commonly, their publishers do.
So, if you liked my book, please give it a 5-star rating on Amazon (or the site of your liking, such as Barnes & Nobel, Goodreads, Wattpad, ItascaBooks, etc.). If you can’t bring yourself to give it all 5 stars (I totally understand), feel free to ignore this message.
On the behalf of artists everywhere, thank you for your help!
Yours truly,